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breakout session中文:[網絡] 分組會議;分會;分組討論…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋breakout session的中文翻譯,breakout session的發音,音標,用法和例句等。

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Breakout Sessions | Asia Society。

Breakout Sessions. The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) is dedicated to enhancing the nation's capacity for the teaching and learning of Chinese ...: tw | tw。

Capgemini on Twitter: "Join our exclusive breakout session on ...。

Join our exclusive breakout session on banking transformation at #TCF2017 April 27 #blockchain #RPA #API #AI https://goo.gl/DZE6LK.。

Video Conferencing - Webex Meetings | Breakout Sessions。

2021年7月7日 · Starting in WBS40.9, you can use breakout sessions in meetings to place your participants into smaller groups where they can collaborate and ...: 。

How to Use Breakout Rooms in Webex Meetings - UW-Madison ...。

2020年9月15日 · Select the Breakout tab and choose Enable Breakout Session · Add all of your attendees you plan to invite to your meeting · Navigate to the Show ...: 。

SOLIDWORKS 官方社群 - MySolidWorks。

In this 90-minute breakout session, SOLIDWORKS users of beginner, intermediate or advanced skills will learn 20 of Toby's best time-saving tips and tricks.。

Google Meet (formerly Hangouts Meet) - Free Video Meetings。

Join from your phone. Use the Google Meet app to join a video call, or join audio-only by calling the dial-in number in the meeting invite.。

Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings。

Breakout rooms are sub rooms that can be created within a meeting or training session. They are useful for splitting a large group into smaller groups that ...: 。

Breakout Session 1 | USENIX。

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Rosie Perez Hates Flying, but She Soared in 'The Flight Attendant'。

2021年8月24日 · The HBO Max show brought the veteran performer her first acting Emmy nomination. “To be recognized now, at my age, for something that I did ...

常見breakout session中文問答
